Friday, 21 September 2018

Did CSW Andrea Causillas, Natalie Guerrero, Mary Johnson and CSW Christie Parkin do their homework?


A friend who has been very supportive since the boys were kidnapped to Singapore suggested I write a book about what happened.

I decided to start with a chapter called "Why."  When I was with IBM, we had signs on our desks that said "THINK!"  I believe too many people were quick to jump to conclusions and did not "think" or ask "why" all of a sudden after 5 years that the boys changed with such urgency.

It all changed on Sep28, 2016.  Their attitude took a abrupt 180-degree turn.  See the emails appended at the end of this Chapter.

Everything I write in this chapter will be substantiated by the attachments of voicemails, photographs, txt messages, mental health professionals reports.  There will not be any innuendos, slander, and unsubstantiated statements.  Real names will be used:

- Dr. Randy Northrup, PhD, treated the boys from Mar14, 2011 to Jan2012.  30-plus years as a practicing therapist.
- Dr. Dirk de Brito, MD/MPH, Huntington Hospital saw the boys on Mar12, 2011 in the ER and again in Jan, 2012 for a progress.  20-plus years as a MD psychiatrist
- Dr. Craig Childress, Psy D treated the boys from Jan2012 to Jul2014. Over 10 years clinical psychologist.
- DCFS = Department of Children and Family Services (social service/workers)
- DCFS CSW Maryin Quezada.  Investigator assigned to 2-3 allegations of abuse and neglect reported in Sep and Oct 2016
- DCFS Dependency Investigator Christie Parkin who completed her investigation and made recommendations before I was interviewed.
- DCFS Supervisor Cherise Pillar who spoke with me after I asked the Chief Deputy for LA County Supervisor Kathryn Barger for help in NOT closing the DCFS investigation/evaluation of the boys' situation.
- Natalie Guerrero - San Marino High School psychologist whom I contacted to get some help for the boys since DCFS was closing the case
- Mary Johnson - Principal San Marino HS who slandered me in emals and statements to police and DCFS witout all the facts or bothered to read any of the mental health diagnosis.

Chapter 1  Why

WHY: would a parent who is abusing his children ask the DCFS social worker Maryin Quezada  to keep the DCFS investigation open?

When the parent did not get a response from the social worker, he contacted his County Supervisor's office for help to speak with a DCFS supervisor.  Both emails to social worker Quezada and Chief Deputy are attached.  

WHY:  would the parent who is abusing his children email San Marino High School teachers, and the school counselor to request the school psychologist to see the boys?  School teachers and counselors, therapists and psychologists are mandated by law to report abuse.

THINK!.  The attached Letters from DCFS closed the false allegations from Sep and Oct2016.  Rather than letting it drop, I continue to ask DCFS, my County Supervisor and the San Marino High School for help.  An abusive parent would want his children to talk to MORE mandatory reporters of child abuse??  Go figure. All prior false allegations reported by the mother were also closed as UNFOUNDED from 2010 to 2012.

During the 2015-2016 school year at San Marino High School, the boys were doing extremely well.  They seemed to have turned the corner from the parental alienation and trauma of their 2009-2011 kidnapping to Singapore. 

The boys showed their appreciation and affection in attached note and cards.  Chris even woke up early on Father's Day to make me breakfast which was a wonderful surprise.  

The boys invited friends over in June for a end of school  year swim party and BBQ.  4-5 families came with their kids and we all had a great time.  For the boys' birthday, the attached photo of the Happy Bunch says it all.  

WHY: would the San Marino High School psychologist and principal make statements based on "hearsay" that the parent withholds food from the boys,  go to the trouble of a swim/BBQ at the end of the school year?  

A few families copied on this Chapter have been at our home for BBQ, Big Bear Lake for fishing and skiing, and informal dinners over the past 5 years.  If you ask anyone of the parents, there is always, always, enough food for everyone.  

THINK!: The boys have been and are outgoing.  One of the signs of an abused child is "passive withdrawn behavior" according to the DCFS website ( ).  Far from passive and withdrawn, the boys ran for KEY Club cabinet last Spring, this past fall was trying to establish a Ping Pong Club on campus, and both were nominated as "best dressed" juniors.  

On July 4th, the boys left for a 6 week Chinese Language Program at Tamkang University in Taiwan.  

THINK! and WHY: would an abusive parent find this program in Taiwan and enroll/send the boys; providing all necessities, flights and room/board for 6 weeks?

WHY: if I am an abusive parent, I would take care of all the application procedures and prepare the boys for their overseas adventure?  Every necessitiy was prepared for them down to shampoo, acne wash, mosquito repellant, shower slippers and laundry detergent to take to Taiwan.

While they were gone, Chris would call his Dad for no particular reason just to say "hi" and ask me to call him back.  You can hear the joy in his voice in the attached voicemail.  This is a son missing his Dad and saying "I love you" in Chinese.

WHY: would an abused child 7000 miles away want to call an abusive parent and sound so happy?  If he was forced to call, the tone would be more mechanical as if to "report in."

Boys returned on August 13 just in time for school and all is well.  I was in Seattle on business and brought back Dungeness crab for them.  In the attached photo they sure look like they are enjoying it.  Ms. Guerrero stated that I withhold food from the boys.  Do they look like they are denied food or being forced to eat the crab which is William's favorite?

Ms. Guerrero was quoted as saying "he (father) provided a lot of documents to me that seemed really one-sided."  One sided compared to what? Compared to the other 2-3 diagnoses I provided?  Compared to your own diagnosis?  And she said  "fearful when they were around their father...they often didn't get food...they said he would withhold necessities to punish them, like food or access to their computers to do school work..."

WHY: would the school psychologist make statements that are just "hearsay" with no substantiation?  And why would she mis-lead me to believe she is getting a Dr. Justin Carter to help see the boys by sending me release forms to sign?

Dr. Northrup's diagnosis, documented: "...the boys were basically programmed, very effectively, to believe their father was a danger to them...."  What Ms. Guerrero heard from the boys is what Dr. Northrup stated as the "programmed" behavior he saw after he started therapy with them.  Dr. Northrup goes on to document that the boys have been "coached" to get sympathy and help in returning to Singapore.  (Read attached Dr. Northrup Progress Letter).   

The school staff wrote in a Sep29 email that the boys are in constant fear of their father.  This is the programming by the mother that Dr. Northrup, Dr. De Brito and Dr. Childress saw in their analysis of the boys.  

Dr. Childress wrote in his June 2012 summary that "...the children respond by provoking conflict...thereby allowing the children to maintain their false and distorted perception of their father as bad, insensitive and dangerous."

And is it "one sided" when compared to a May2012 status report.  Read the section about meeting the mother DSM IV TR diagnostic system disorders and difficulty in maintaining linear cognitive thought process.  Mother claimed to have seen another psychologist but failed to provide Family Court with any documentation.

The boys returned from Singapore mid-March 2011.  In 5 years, we have gone to Provence and Paris France, Montreal, Vancouver, Whistler skiing, Salt Lake City skiing, Taos NM, campus visit to UCBerkeley and Stanford, Cancun Mexico, Galapagos in Ecuador, Wayan Picchu in PeruTokyo for real Japanese ramen and sushi,  crabbing in the Puget Sound and Taiwan for 6 weeks last summer.  I don't see them being "fearful of their father" in any of the photos.  Do you?

Rather than having a Judge to show sympathy that Dr. Northrup wrote in his diagnosis, Ms. Guerrero and Ms. Johnson played that role and ignored the reports from 3 mental health professionals with doctorate degrees and over 60 years of private practice treating patients.

THINK!: Were there any reports or suspicions of abuse by Valentine, Hungtington and San Marino HS staff and at least 30 teachers since March 2011 until September 2016?  Why?  Because there was no abuse.  Chapter 2 will explain why.

The 3rd psychiatrist Dr. de Brito wrote in the attached report " Christopher admitted that he knew that his mother "does not want us to get along with him"  He admitted that she has never told them he should try and get along with his father."

"William also said that he mistreats his father, when asked, and that he does so because he feels to do otherwise will be giving up on seeing his mother more."

Dr. de Brito summarized " is the firmly held opinion of the author that the boys' mother in fact holds the key to giving the boys the crucial emotional permission to see accepting their primary caregiver's love as something other than maternal betrayal.  In the author's opinion, these boys will never betray their mother, on pain of death."

In a telephone interview with DCFS CSW Maryin Quezada, Dr. Childress stated something similar in that "the mother needs to release the children" which Quezada did not understand.  Dr. Childress explained that mother needs to release the children emotionally. (DCFS Referral 0452-3625-9058-0070228 notes).

THINK:  3 different mental health professionals (Phd, PsyD, MD/MPH) who never met or spoken with eachother, independently come to the same or very similar diagnosis after working with the boys.  Coincidence?  Maybe someone who called the reports "one sided" or "biased" bothered to contact one or 2 of them to find out why their diagnoses are similar we would have found the "root cause" of the boys behavioral change.

THINK: Dr. de Brito: crucial emotional permission.  Dr. Childress: release the children emotionally and loyalty oath.  Similar?

WHY: was Dr. Northrup's, Dr. Childress' and Dr. de Brito's  diagnoses not taken into consideration by the school psychologist or DCFS DI Christie Parkin? Dr. Northrup has over 30 years of experience treating patients, Dr. de Brito over 20 and Dr. Childress over 10 years.  Ms. Guerrero and Ms. Parkin went from being a psychologist and child advocate to being someone who listens to children's complaints, and becoming that sympathetic ear that Dr. Northrup described...and passing  the unverified and embellished complaints on as the gospel truth; like DCFS worker Andrea Causillas, who just writes down what she is told.  

DCFS Christie Parkin wrote that Dr. Childress' report is biased and has ability to sway.  Sway whom?  Was Dr. Northrup's diagnosis also written to sway?  Or Dr. de Brito's?  "bias and incomplete investigation" has been mentioned with Christie Parkin's name in another DCFS case (B259207) before.  Parkin, like Guerrero, offers no explanation or rationale to disregard reports from 3 independent professionals with over 70 years experience in treating hundreds of patients.  When was the last time and for how long did Parkin and Guerrero actually treated patients in private practice?

During the boys' freshman year, Ms. Johnson told a SMPD officer that she thought I was paranoid about the boys' reabduction.  The attached National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Affidavit dated May 2014 (3 years after the boys' return) says otherwise.  Middle School Principal Mr. Kurtenback did not think I was paranoid when he refused to provide school records to the mother.  She wanted it to enroll the boys in the Singapore military.  Enrollment is by age, not by school performance.  You only need school records if you are planning to remove the boys and enroll them in another school.  The re-abduction risk that NCMEC wrote in their affidavit.

THINK!:  The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children ("NCMEC") affidavit on the red flags of reabduction.  But Mrs. Johnson says I am paranoid.

I let Johnson's comment slide since she doesn't know the entire situation.  Go read the "Father's Blog" at  or listen to an old interview on the Bill Handle show on KFI640 or read the article in the Orange County Register.

WHY: would the school psychologist and principal slander me and say I withhold food from them?  We went crabbing in the Puget Sound and the photo shows Chris having a great time with the crabs and his Dad.

In an earlier voicemail, Chris called to let me know where they are since I was still at work.  He talked about staining his clothes when he "slurped" down the pot roast I made for him.  Withholding food Ms. Natalie Guerrero and Ms. Mary Johnson?  Really?  In a statement Chris made to DCFS, he said he "decided to eat as little as possible"

WHY: take the boys to Tokyo Anime Center and to Tokyo ramen shops so they can eat real Japanese ramen if we abuse them and withhold food from them.  And if Chris is slurping down pot roast, does that sound like food was withheld?  See photos and listen to the voicemail on pot roast.  Do they look or sound unhappy and fearful of their Dad?  Or the photos of them at the Tsukiji Fish Market eating early morning sushi rice? An abusive parent would not take his  children to Tokyo or anywhere else.  .  Do they look unhappy and deprived in their birthday photo, or the Christmas dinner photo with their friends?

There are food restrictions like instant noodles and asking them not to use an entire stick of butter to make fried rice.  This is not the dietary habit to get into.  A stick of butter each day is too much.

The school continues to slander me by saying I withhold necessities such as the internet from the boys.  I turn the WiFi off at 1130PM on school nights so they can get to bed by midnight.  This helps them learn to manage and use the time they do have efficiently if they know there is a hard-stop at 1130.  Otherwise they will be watching YouTube videos, Facebook messaging and playing League in between a few minutes of school work.  If you are a parent of teenagers you will know what I am talking about.  And we all know psychologist's reports that lack of sleep in growing teens lead to school performance problems; and DSM5 symptoms of video and internet addiction.  Look at their performance currently vs last 2 1/2 years.  

While the school is documenting that I withhold food and basic necessities, William was telling Officer Jacoy (#344) in report CR-16-1029 that he is given food and basic necessities.  One version for the school, and one version for the police.

During the week of September 11, Chris left a voicemail to let me know they are on the way home, that he will come say good night, and "Love ya."  Their mother now says he was forced to say Love ya.  Listen to the message, does it sound like it was forced?  Listen to the voicemails from Taiwan where he said "I love you" in Chinese.  It is from a son to his father that he knows loves him.

Then a few days later on Sep18 everything went upside down.  They boys started an argument about going to church and confirmation classes.  When we got home, they wrote the note about  leaving when they turn 18.  They followed it up with "Andew Ko means nothing to them."  Ms. Guerrero, that note IS a mean thing to say. (See attachment Sep18 note).

I immediately contacted their long-time therapist Dr. Childress for an explanation and what to do next.  I sent an email to one of the boys' teachers asking for help on Sep23, when he didn't respond, I wrote school counselor Martha Velasco on Sep29 asking if the boys can see the school psychiatrist or psychologist.  After that I wrote another teacher asking her to speak with the boys.  Involving more mandated reporters.

WHY: would a parent who is abusing his kids want to ask the school with "mandated reporters of child abuse" to talk to his kids?  When I was told the case would be closed by the DCFS worker Maryin Quezada, I wrote her a long email to ask that she keep investigating the cause of the abrupt change in behavior.  When Quezada didn't respond, I asked the Chief Deputy for County Supervisor Kathryn Barger for help since DCFS is under LABoS oversight.  See attached emails to Chief Deputy and DCFS.

Ms. Guerrero was quoted as saying she saw the boys 5-6 times.  Is that a full hour each time or 20 mins?  Dr. Northrup treated the boys from Mar2011 to Jan2012 with twice weekly sessions for the first 2 months and then weekly sessions until Jan2012.  I estimate about 45 hours in total.  Dr. Childress treated the boys from Jan2012 to July 2014 on a weekly basis.  I estimate over 120 hours of therapy.  

It will be interesting to see Ms. Guerrero's notes during discovery to see what protocol or process she went through during each session with the boys to arrive at her diagnosis after 5-6 sessions.

THINK:  I didn't count my lucky stars that DCFS found nothing, and I continued to contact
 everyone I could think of to get DCFS to CONTINUE with the investigation to find the root cause of the sudden change in behavior.  As Dr. Childress wrote in his reports, we would have "ups and downs" when the boys are torn between believing their mother or showing me affection.  But these "lapses" only last a day or 2.  This time, it is much longer and much more hostile.  A parent knows and can sense something very different and very wrong is happening to the boys.

Two days later, a supervisor Cherise Pilar called me on Nov1 and spoke with me for close to 45 minutes.  I asked her for help again and asked if somone at DCFS can evaluate the boys.  She again said they are not in a position to evaluate and prevent issues.  My cases will be closed out.

THINK:  I asked the San Marino PD twice (Officer Chan) if they can call and get help from DCFS, I contacted 4 people at SMHS for help, I asked the DCFS social worker Maryin Quezada and supervisor Pillar to have a different set of eyes look at the situation, and after that I emailed Kathry Barger's office again.  A Michelle Vega (DCFS Deputy) called me as well as a Jennifer Klonsky who works for Cherise Pillar.   Again and again, I told them something is not right with the boys and their sudden change in behavior.  

WHY: would an abusive parent put himself at risk of being reported and plead with so many people to ask for help?  I have been raising these boys as a single parent for the past 5 years without any help from the boys' mother.  In March, 2016 William had a episode where he said "if I believe you, then my mother is lying."  I told him that is why we need to continue with therapy so that you can understand/accept that you can love and believe both parents.  Don't think of your mother as lying, think of it as she saw something different.  Then a few days later the "breech" was repaired and we move on.  But not this time.

On the evening of Wed Sep21, the boys came home about 2 hours late and I was very worried since they did not repond when we tried to locate them the last 2 hours.  They came back for 5-10 minutes and when I asked them to wait in the backyard they took off.

Supposedly they "ran away."  But they did manage to go to dinner with Andrew Wong and  his father James.  After dinner, Mr. Wong dropped the boys back at their bikes and told them to go home.  

I reported them missing to the San Marino PD and it took about 2 hours to find them at the Middle School tennis courts.  Officer Yamada and Chan were present when the boys wanted me to promise to help them get emancipated.  I asked Officer Chan if he can call DCFS for help.

3 days later, Officer Chan and Officer Yamada along with another officer were at our home again when Christoper called 911 about me hitting him.  Again, I asked Officer Chan if DCFS can come.  His response is that they boys are too old now DCFS won't get involved.

WHY: would an abusive parent want his children to continue speaking with DCFS social workers?  The abuse allegation was set up by the mother and this parent sensed something is very wrong with the sudden change in behavior and the severity of their hostility towards us.

The school psychologist Natalie Guerrero was quoted as saying "that it was father Andrew who asked her to start meeting with the boys..."  I emailed school counselor Velasco to ask for help from the school psychologist, as well as emailing 2 teachers asking for help because I was at a loss as to why there is this sudden change in behavior that is hostile.

WHY: would a parent abusing his children want them to speak to mandated reporters of child abuse?  Because there is no abuse and only a very drastic change in behavior.

In San Marino PD report CR16-863, it was reported that on Oct12, 2016, Principal Mary Johnson contacted Officer Gomez and said the twins told her that morning that they had run away from home.   Ms. Johnson further stated "that this is an ongoing occurance with Mr. Ko."  

What do you mean by "ongoing occurance?"  The boys running away happens a lot?  They supposedly ran away (had dinner with a friend) on Sep21 and they only told Mary Johnson on Oct12.  The last time they ran away was in April 2011 exactly 30 days after they returned from Singapore in a well orchestrated/planned event.  Attached is the police report CR11-344.  2 events in 5 years is an "ongoing occurance with Mr. Ko?"  A bit slanderous don't you think?

Look at the attached exchange of txt msgs between Andrew Wong and William.  Andrew is asking William to lie about being kicked out of the house before.  First, in order to be kicked out, school or home, wouldn't you have to be asked to leave first?  Second, if you are running away from home, do you go out to have dinner with a friend and then get dropped off at your bikes?  The boys were NEVER asked to leave.  They were asked to wait in the backyard Lanai so we can have a talk about disappearing for 2 hours.

Mrs. Johnson was also quoted as saying the boys "are well behaved, polite and very nice boys."  I assume Mrs. Johnson has been a parent to teenagers before.  Do you think proper behavior and manners are automatic?  It takes a lot of work for the parent to remind the boys to "say please and thank you," to always be helpful, to look at people in the eyes when speaking to them, to address people by name, don't talk with food in your mouth, sit properly at the dinner table, etc. etc.  and I have been a single parent for over 5 years showing the boys the proper way.  

In exchanges of emails and telephone conversations with school psychologist Natalie Guerrero, I was led to believe that she was steering the boys back to therapy. Ms. Guerrero recommended a Dr. Carter nearby and had me sign releases so she can provide Dr. Carter with background information, including the reports from the boys' therapists.  But then nothing happened.  Nothing.

Little did I know Ms. Guerrero was also quoted as saying "he provided a lot of documents to me that seemed really didn't match what the boys were telling me."  In the Police report 11-344 and a few others, the officers and DCFS social workers all commented that the boys' stories are very similar.  As Dr. Northrup wrote: "coached."

The documents are "really one-sided" when compared to your own psychological diagnosis Ms. Guerrero or to other idiagnosis reports from independent psychologists and psychiatrist at different times?

Was Dr. Chldress' June 2012 diagnosis "one-sided" when compared to Dr. Randy Northrup's diagnosis where he concluded that the boys were "programmed" while in Singapore to fear their father, not to see him as their real father and never wanting to live with him" and he further wrote that the boys were "coached."

THINK:  Could that "coaching" be in play in what the boys were telling you?  Did you dig deeper or did you just write what you were told like the DCFS social worker Andrea Causillas?

Was Dr. Childress or Dr. Northrup's reports "one sided" when compared to the diagnosis of Dr. Dirk de Brito from Huntington Hospital?  Dr. de Brito quoted “Christopher admitted that he knew that his mother “does not want us to get along with him.” He admitted that she had never told him he should try to get along with his father.”

Dr. de Brito's report went on to say “In this author’s opinion, therefore, the preponderance of data unfortunately suggests specific pathogenic parenting on the part of the boys’ mother.  Evidence suggests this has been a substantive cause of severe and ongoing disruption of the boys’ attachment to their ongoing primary caregiver.”

WHY: Dr. Northrup with over 30 years experience as a practicing psychologist, Dr. de Brito with 20 years as a MD psychiatrist and Dr. Childress also with decades of treating patients, come to similar conclusions without having spoken or met eachother.  Their only common denominator is they met the children.  Dr. Northrup treated the children for 10 months in over 50 hours of therapy; and Dr. Childress for 30 months and over 100 hours of therapy sessions.

During the few sessions Ms. Guerrero had with the boys, I like to ask if she was in the role of a psychologist or just listening to their complaints and stories.

WHY: Again, why would I keep asking Ms. Guerrero for help in getting the boys to see a therapist so they can be evaluated and we can get to the root cause of their sudden change.  If I am an abusive parent, would I risk having more "mandated reporters" speak with my children? (I can almost hear Parkin now.  But what are your qualifications that gave you the right to disrespect other therapists with many more years of experience treating patients?  What 4 yr college degree, what post graduate degree, what certifications, how many years in private practice?).

DCFS Dependency Investigator Christie Parkin read Dr. Childress' report and concluded that it was biased.  Biased compared to what other diagnosis? a DCFS psychologist I requested from 3 different DCFS staff? A 3rd party psychologist brought in to evaluate the boys?  What we know is: 3 mental health professionals with many, many more years of education and many, many, more years of clinical practice experience in treating patients are discounted without any credible explanation.  They just don't like what they read but didn't bother to contact any of the therapists to find out why their diagnoses are so "one-sided" or "biased." ( ) 

All the previous investigations from Apr2009 to Oct2016 by DCFS staff (Virginia Bruckman, Marissa Martinez, Shawn Rivas, Bonnie Franzel, Keisha Brown) and SMPD Officers (Brian Wong, Officer Franco, Officer Jacoy, Officer Garcia, etc) were all wrong and only Christie Parkin is right.  Then there should be an investigation into all DCFS investigations because they were most likely all incorrect. 

Ms. Guerrero said "they often didn't get food" and "we provided food to them at least three times."  Look at the photos of the Ramen in Japan, dinner in Cancun, Chinese New Year, Christmas dinner or eating crab in the home in August.  

In SMPD report CR16-1029, Off Joseph Jacoy (#344) interviewed William at the high school on Nov16, 2016.  "I asked William if he is provided food at home.  He stated he is provided food and basic necessities."  YET the school staff made statements and wrote in emails at around the same time that food is whithheld from the boys and they are not provided basic necessities.  WHY?

For 5 years I made their breakfasts and lunches everyday, and dinners 2-3 times a week.  In October 2016, they asked me not to make their lunch and dinners and they just left without eating their breakfast.  They only took a milk, orange and apple to school.  I kept asking if they get hungry and they said they are too busy.  Now we know they didn't want to bring lunch to keep up the impression that food is being withheld.  And Ms. Guerrero and Ms. Johnson wanted to believe it and started spreading false statements and emails. 

I was in London on business in Nov 2016 and my wife ordered a Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner for the boys.  Chris turned it down.  Withholding food or refusing food?  Chris also stated in another report that they have decided to eat as little as possible.  (Also, "Ding Dong" is my version of "silly" so don't accuse me of calling the boys names.  Like "Ding Dong, should have had a V-8")

Ms. Guerrero was also quoted as saying that I say mean things like not paying for college or withholding necessities like the internet.

Read the email below from William where he wrote college and career is not my concern.  He followed up verbally by saying they will take care of college and I don't need to worry.  Ms. Guerrero needs to get her facts straight before making false statements.

Before I forget, DCFS threw in substance abuse.  I read this on Dec15 and immediately went and got tested.  Test results attached.  Plus DCFS in 2012 and 2016 stated in their own reports/notes that there is no history of substance abuse.  How DI Parkin can get away with lies with no consequences in her report is incredible.

The last attachment is their note from Sep18...less than 48 hours after the voicemail where Chris was letting his father know he is on the way home and he will come and say goodnight.   How different this note is from the earlier note, cards, and voicemails.  If this sudden change is nothing, then I am totally at a loss.

So much for Chapter 1.  If the attachments don't come through, please let me know and I will put it out on Google Drive.

I am thinking Chapter 2 will be :"WHY NOW?"

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Please feel free to forward this to other in your network and communities. 

Sad for the boys,  Andrew

From: William Ko
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2016 7:16 PM
To: Andrew Ko
Subject: Re: Progress report for Ko, William Yau-Wei Leonard

It was a personal error. Please do not email me again regarding anything such as college and career. This includes my grades. None of this concerns you. Thank you

On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 8:01 AM, Andrew Ko wrote:
What happened Son? I'm sure you studied and didn't waste any time. Is it focus during the test ? Go see the teacher and ask for help.

Regards, Andrew

From: Andrew Ko
Sent: Thursday, November 24, 2016 6:10 PM
To: Christopher Ko
Subject: Re: Auntie Mishelle E-mails

You wrote below:   "I don't know what Auntie Mishelle is doing with a whole turkey. Is she going out tomorrow? I said no to her invite but she still bought a turkey"

If it was just Auntie Mishelle, she would not bother w a turkey.  It is because she loves you both and thought it would be nice if you had turkey on Thanksgivng that she bothered since it is a tradition. Even when you say you don't trust her and all the other nasty things. She ordered it and can't cancel after you declined her invite. 

Like 2 summers ago when you boys said you would like to eat Ramen in Tokyo. She asked me if we should take you boys to Tokyo and I said we haven't gone anywhere for summer vacation and so she arranged the trip for you.  It is because you guys like skiing that we arranged a ski trip to go to Whistler. You think skiing in Whistler is for us? She was in the hotel room working practically the whole time. 

You think it is for me when I got up at 6am to enroll you in summer school so you can take Health and Computer? There are kids who take these 2 classes during the regular school year. 

It is for you Ding Dong. Everything we do is for you. And you dare say I don't care about your college? If I didn't care about it you wouldn't have any ACT or SAT prep book and the other books on your Kindle. And I wouldn't have nagged you to study during the summer and on weekends. 

You choose what you want to see, hear and acknowledge even when the truth is in front of your eyes. 1-2-3-4-5.

Regards, Andrew

On Nov 24, 2016, at 5:59 AM, Christopher Ko wrote:
Thanks for the college advice but as you've said before, our college doesn't concern you. So it would be greatly appreciated if you don't give us that advice. Okay, we will eat the leftover turkey if there is any. I don't know what Auntie Mishelle is doing with a whole turkey. Is she going out tomorrow? I said no to her invite but she still bought a turkey. And also okay to the "Oh and if you ask me and I haven't answered, it means no. "

Regards, Chris

On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 12:32 AM, Christopher Ko wrote:

Also, we are grateful for whatever you buy for us, but before you buy anything for us, please ask us because we don't want to be in debt to you. If you can't ask us for whatever reason, it would be easier to just not buy anything for us.

Thank you

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 12:26 AM, Christopher Ko wrote:

Sorry for inconvenience. It's okay. You don't have to go out of your way to give us turkey. We don't want anything from you. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving.

On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 10:45 PM, Mishelle wrote:

 I ordered a turkey dinner, you are welcome to have it. From now please have leftover before you cook and don't  cook after 730p.

ps please don't bang the wall or floor in the kitchen.

Thank you.

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