Why no other mandated reported saw signs of abuse for 5 1/2 years until September 2006. Were all the DCFS social workers blind from 2009 to 2016? How about the San Marino Police officers? And the teachers, principals, assistant principals and counselors at San Marino's Valentine Elementary, Huntington Middle School and San Marino High School? All are blind and didn't see anything until this super CSW Andrea Causillas, Joanne Cothern, Christie Parkin and Holly Bruce? Where they these 4 hiding for the past 5 1/2 years.
I ran into one of the boys' middle school teachers. She said she heard something about the boys. I told her the long story about how San Marino High School Principal Mary Johnson told police that the boys always run away from home, how the rookie school psychologist Natalie Guerrero said I withhold food from the boys and don't provide internet access for their homework and the boys saying they have been routinely abused since their return from Singapore in March 2011.
I ran into one of the boys' middle school teachers. She said she heard something about the boys. I told her the long story about how San Marino High School Principal Mary Johnson told police that the boys always run away from home, how the rookie school psychologist Natalie Guerrero said I withhold food from the boys and don't provide internet access for their homework and the boys saying they have been routinely abused since their return from Singapore in March 2011.
If food was withheld, why do they always bring lunch to school since 5th grade? Why did they get perfect annual physicals and even the DCFS examination after they were taken away showed NO signs of malnutrition. Ask their school friends about the extra cookies they would bring for them. Withhold food indeed. Ms. Guerrero: did you do any investigation at all?
Their mother Mei Wang's story now is that the boys were abused in Singapore, and the idiot DCFS Social Worker Christie Parkin (www.cswchristieparkin.blogspot.com ) wrote that I fed the boys their vomit when they were in Singapore. The source of this falsehood was deemed not credible by the Family Court Judge and disallowed as a hearsay but Parkin thinks it's true and into her report it went.
The teacher asked how come no one at the school reported the twins being abused since they have been back? That's true. 6 years they were in San Marino schools. From March 2011 to Dec 2016, through 6 grades from 5th to 11th, having had at least 24 different teachers for each of them, and William working in the Middle School office, and not a single "Mandated Reporter" noticed signs of child abuse. Ms. Moggio or Mr. Kurtenbach did you sense the boys were abused the years they were at HMS? Not until Natalie Guerrero, Mary Johnson, DCFS Christie Parkin, DCFS Andrea Causillas.
Did these people see any of the following signs of child abuse? Do Guerrero, Johnson, Parkin and Causillas know the definition of child abuse and neglect?
Warning signs of emotional abuse:
- Excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong
- Shows extremes in behavior (extremely compliant, demanding, passive, aggressive)
- Doesn’t seem to be attached to the parent or caregiver
- Acts either inappropriately adult (taking care of other children) or inappropriately infantile (thumb-sucking, throwing tantrums)
Warning signs of physical abuse:
- Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts
- Is always watchful and “on alert,” as if waiting for something bad to happen
- Injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from a hand or belt
- Shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home
- Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot days
Warning signs of child neglect:
- Clothes are ill-fitting, filthy, or inappropriate for the weather
- Hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odor)
- Untreated illnesses and physical injuries
- Is frequently unsupervised or left alone or allowed to play in unsafe situations
- Is frequently late or missing from school
Not a single one of the 4 dozen teachers, tennis coaches, school counselor Velasco, speech therapist, family doctor who gave them annual physicals, SMPD police officers, DCFS social workers from 2011 to Nov 2016, ever saw signs or evidence of abuse and neglect for 6 years, until October 2016 when I asked the new School Psychologist Guerrero for help because of a change in the boys' behavior. She did not work with the parent and the children and instead believed everything that was fed her.
I wrote emails to 2 high school teachers in Sep2016 asking for their help to talk with the boys. Scott Barton didn't even bother replying. And the tennis coach Melwin supposedly asked the boys why they didn't tell him about the abuse. There was nothing to tell. Coach, you too are a mandated reporter of child abuse. Did you notice anything from the time they took your tennis camp the summer before 9th grade and the 2 years they played on the school's team? Notice any of the signs of abuse and neglect above? Were Chris and William withdrawn and shy, afraid? No, they were outgoing with many friends and happy. Wake up!
How about the friends at school they have lunch with? Valentine, Hungtington and SMHS. How about the Drumline coach, SMUSD chaperone and chaperone parents? They were on a week-long trip to Cleveland in 2016. No one noticed that Chris was different? Quite, anxious, withdrawn? How can you all miss that Chris was abused? Because he wasn't.
Let's go to family and friends. Mei Wang said the boys were already abused in Singapore. So why did she relocate to the US with me in July 2004? She could have stayed in Singapore with her family for support. When the mother appealed the sole custody awarded to me in 2010, the 2nd District Appeals Court said in its opinion that child abuse was never brought up during the divorce proceedings from Jan2005 to Mar2009. The Court went on to say, if allegation of child abuse was brought to the attention of the Family Court Judge, he has a duty to investigate and not give sole custody or any custody to the accused parent per Family Code 3011. Wang only brings up abuse when she needs it to accomplish her objectives. When she wanted half of my property in Singapore during a court case from 2013-2017 she told the court we had "a loving and caring relationship." You can read this in her sworn affidavits attached to Chapter 2.
Now family and friends believe all the lies told by the boys and their mother. I told DCFS Maryin Quezada back in October 2016 that the mother needed the boys to avoid deportation. Did that happen? Yes. Mei Wang took the boys to Immigration Court on Jan25 and Mar7 2017 to get her deportation cancelled for immigration fraud.
At 2012 Thanksgiving, Aunty Julia commented how good and happy the boys were. How about Nora who was also there? How about their teenage 13th birthday dinner in March 2013 with Aunty Frances and Uncle Stanley at the DTLA Palm restaurant? Any signs of abuse? Withdrawn, quiet? No! Anything?
How many times have we had dinner and lunches with Aunty Frances, Uncle Stanley, cousin Candice and Uncle Mikey in 2012, 2013, 2014 and even at the boys' Grandmother's funeral on March 6, 2015. Did anyone at the service see anything wrong with the boys? They were freely socializing and talking with everyone there. How about when they attended the boys' piano recital and dinner in 2013? Did they exhibit signs of abuse? Or their 8th grade graduation?
Aunty Lydia spent time with the boys before and after they were kidnapped to Singapore. Did she notice any signs of abuse? How about when we attended Uncle Steve's birthday party in San Francisco and stayed at their home. Did Aunty Lydia or Aunty Frances see anything wrong with the boys? Were they normal playful boys or withdrawn and anxious? How can all of you miss noticing something was wrong with the boys? Because there was nothing wrong. Look at the photos. What is wrong is the result of "Parental Alienation."
In November 2016 DCFS Maryin Quezada told the boys at our home that she didn't have enough evidence of child abuse to take them into foster care. But at the same time Natalie Guerrero and Mary Johnson had another agenda and reported what at least 48 of their colleagues in 3 different schools over 6 years and DCFS Quezada did not see. How observant these 2 must be!!
The boys worked with Dr. Randy Northrup for about a year, Dr. de Brito from Huntington Memorial performed a 3rd party evaluation in Jan 2012, we were referred to Dr. Craig Childress from Feb2012 to summer of 2014, then we had Dr. Paul Mancillus for a neuropsychological evaluation in May2016 (4 months before their behavior change). Dr. Mancillus and his partner worked with the boys over 3 days of interviews, testing and evaluations. They did not see or mention any abuse in the reports. All these exprienced PhD's, PsyD, and MD were wrong and missied the signs of abuse; along with the Minor's Counsel. Do DCFS Christie Parkin and DCFS Andrea Causillas have advanced degrees in psychology or child welfare? They know more than the doctors.
Christie Parkin never called the Minor's Counsel Debbie Manning, never called Dr. Randy Northrup, never called Dr. de Brito, and never called Dr. Paul Mancius. Maryin Quezada called Dr. Childress and concluded he was biased. Natalie Guerrero told DCFS or the SMPD how the documents I gave her seemed "one sided." Did you call the author of those progress reports? She should have if she was interested in the truth. Easier to just believe what she is told and report it since there is no consequence for a mandated reporter who might be reporting something that turns out to be false.
How can all these professionals be biased? All the reports describe a narcissistic mother who changes her stories to suit her agenda. Dr. Randy Northrup recommended no contact with the mother, same with Dr. de Brito due to pathogenic parenting.
We were referred to Dr. Childress because he is an expert in "parental alienation" not because he is biased. Dr. de Brito pointed out parental alienation in his evaluation of the boys. But Christie Parkin needed some made-up excuse so she can justify the narrative she was crafting. No proof of bias, only Parkin's unsubstantiated allegation. God help the children and parents she deals with.
SMDP Officer Vanessa Golden said in Nov 2017 "I will never believe the boys were abused." She interviewed them in October 2016 and said she saw them outside around the school with their friends, happy and running around. Half a dozen SMPD officers interacted and interviewed the boys from Sep to the actual day Dec3 when the boys assaulted me. And none of them saw anything?
And why don't they talk about what happened (years of abuse) with their friends? Because it would mean more lies and they would have to remember what lie they told before. Like Chris saying how I hit William in the mouth and a tooth fell out. They called the police and the police came but told the boys to behave and listen to their Dad. SMPD training must be really poor if they see a kid with a bloody mouth and a tooth in his hand and didn't look into it further or even file a report of the incident. There is no police report of this incident that Chris described in detail to DCFS Andrea Causillas. Causillas told me she writes down what she is told. No brain involved.
I already warned multiple social workers at DCFS from Oct to end of Nov 2016 about what the mother is trying to do. One DCFS Supervisor Cherise Pilar told me they are not there to prevent but to take care after it happens. Maryin Quezada should be fired if she didn't see any signs and didn't have enough evidence of abuse and neglect in Nov 2016 but DCFS CSW Christie Parkin found evidence a month later. All inadmissible hearsay designated by the Family Court was quoted by Parkin and put into her report as if it was the truth. Why do you think the Family Court disallowed the declaration from the Singapore maid?? Because it was not credible. The maid refused to be interviewed to re-confirm her statements. Why? Because she was lying for Mei Wang.
All the teachers, family, family friends, school friends and their parents who spent time at our home and on overnight ski trips / fishing trips missed the signs that Christopher and William were abused for 6 years...until Natalie Guerrero and Mary Johnson came into the picture. I should sue DCFS SMPD and the San Marino School District for not protecting my children from abuse.
Mary Johnson is the one who cannot send out a broadcast email to parents without following it up with a correction a few hours/minutes later. She is the one who forces parents to pay for uniforms required for the tennis team. Public schools can't do that. So it must be "pay back" for her to say my children run away from home and it is not the first time. Really? When? Mandated Reporters can say whatever they want without any consequences, even if what they say is not true. Again, no brain involved.
It is just incredible that so many people believe the stories they were told. It is incredible that so many mandated reporters never saw a single sign of child abuse since March 2011. Maybe they need to read the attached article on "enmeshed parent-child relationship" and "parental alienation scale" to understand why the boys just repeat what their mother "believes." Mei Wang needed the boys with her to get out of being deported. She got the boys to lie, took the boys out of school, and then paraded them in Immigration Court on Jan25 and Mar7 2017 . She used the boys without any thought of the psychological damage it would do to the boys.
Chapter 1 at http://singaporechildabduction.blogspot.com/2018/09/chris-ko-and-will-ko-chapter-1-why.html
Chapter 2 at http://singaporechildabduction.blogspot.com/2018/11/
Chapter 2 at http://singaporechildabduction.blogspot.com/2018/11/
From: Christopher Ko
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8:45 PM
To: Andrew Ko
Subject: Re: FW: Transaction Receipt from Music Travel Consultants LLC for $816.00 (USD)
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2016 8:45 PM
To: Andrew Ko
Subject: Re: FW: Transaction Receipt from Music Travel Consultants LLC for $816.00 (USD)
Thank you. I'll always remember this.
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